A unique hand hewn (or optional planed) log system designed and developed at Old Virginia with the versatility to accommodate different styles. This allows you to have your preference of:
A log on v groove (no chinking)
A decorative groove for chinking
Or a combination inside and outside
A gigantic planer sizes hand hewn 6″ x 12″ white pine timbers, in lengths up to 16′ to a uniform 12″ in height, simultaneously cutting a groove to accommodate a wooden spline and incorporating the style of your choice.
Longer members are not used here because it is difficult for a longer length to be fitted snug, one on top of the other, as must be done in “The Williams System.” All ridge beams and girders for both systems are western hemlock or hem-fir, again for the length, as these members will not be spliced under 40′.

Old Virginia Hand Hewn Log Homes, Inc. now uses log fasteners instead of 3/8″ lag bolts. With twice the tensile strength and twice the shear strength, these fasteners outperform a 3/8″ lag bolt, while eliminating the need to drill a hole in the log. While these fasteners cost us twice as much as a lag bolt, they equate to a better value for you, our valued customer.

Please note that PERMACHINK is optional and is not included on the price sheet nor installed by Old Virginia Log Homes, Inc.